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Parent info

All the information about WildWoozt and the parent portal KindPlanner

Everything just 1 click away

In our parent portal al information about your child(ren) is always approachable. KindPlanner is available as an app on all telephone platforms and on your desktop. In Kindplanner you can request extra days, chat to your group leader and check your invoice and other information. 


Register / log in to KindPlanner

Download the "KindPlanner voor ouders" app on your mobile (organisatiecode: K9d0ee482) or surf to ​on your desktop. You should have received a mail after registration with the request to confirm your registration. After check in, you can start to have a look around and get in contact with us thru KindPlanner.


KindPlanner rules

Calling in sick

Please use KindPlanner to register a leave or illness. This will reach us directly so we won't be waiting at school for your child. Absent days can not be re-used on other dates. 


Extra days

In KindPlanner parents can easily request extra days. We try to get back to you within 24 hours. If your request is short notice, please give us a ring as well. We are very flexible and if we have a spot we love to give it to you. Extra days will be deducted from your package. 


Changing days

If you need to change your fixed day to another day, you can request it in KindPlanner. The earlier you do the request the bigger the change we can help out. We can only approve your request if we have a free spot available. A schoolday has to be changed to another schoolday. The same go's for holidays. Changing days has to be requested at least 5 days before the original day. 


Holidays, study days en changed school hours

We are opened 52 weeks a year and will always try to offer care for you when needed. We do need at least 5 children on special days to be able to offer day care. Extra days (during holidays) are non-refundable 5 days before the reserved date. 


Stop / unregister at WildWoozt

We don't like to see you go, but we understand situations change. Please let us know as soon as possible if your need for care changes. We use the legacy binding 1 month notice period. 


Questions or remarks

Please let us know if you have any questions or remarks about KindPlanner or our rules. You can always call us on 040-3046429 or mail to


GGD inspectierapporten

In The Netherlands childcare (and BSO) are strictly rules by the government. At WildWoozt we want children to have a great time by organizing the coolest activities. We want to achieve that bij organizing the best possible care for the children that satisfies the high standards controlled by the GGD. The GGD inspects out locations on a frequent base and shares there conclusions in reports that we have to share on our website. In the reports below you can find the results of multiple visits to different locations. 

Cluster Genneper Parken

Cluster Centrum

Cluster Strijp

Cluster Aalst Waalre

Cluster Karpen

Cluster West



Inspraak en contact met ouders vinden we binnen WildWoozt erg belangrijk. Het adviesrecht van ouders is in de kinderopvang wettelijk geregeld en vanaf 50 kindplaatsen is een oudercommissie verplicht. Binnen WildWoozt hebben we gekozen voor een centrale oudercommissie die voor een aantal taken mandaat heeft van de lokale oudercommissies. Zo zorgen we voor efficient overleg en houden we de lijntjes kort. We zijn ook altijd bereid om aan te sluiten bij de OC als dit wenselijk wordt geacht. 


Onderstaand zijn de reglementen zichtbaar van de verschillende OC's

Leden Centrale OC:

Irene ter Meulen

Nicole Lambie

Martijn Noordzij

Nicole Wijnhoven 

Lesley Fraats 


Contact: mail naar

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